Friday, 29 April 2016

Wood Elves: Wild Riders In Progress

Hey guys,

I have started my Wild Riders unit, keeping the colour scheme consistent with my Glade Guard. I really like how the Red compliments the Green throughout this army so far. I am really happy with how these have come out so far. I am especially pleased with how the free-hand has come out on the banner. So far I think this army will look beautiful on the field of battle!

I have a few photos here, please note I will try and get so better photos once it's all finished to show the off properly!

I have nearly finished off the unit now, and will have some photos of the finished photos before too long. I have also just finished my Giant Eagles, which I have posted on my Facebook Page, which you can find here: 

I hope you enjoy, and also all feedback is appreciated! 

Short Message

Hey all, 

I don't think I have mentioned anywhere that I do commission work. If you are interested please e-mail at

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Wood Elves: Shadow Warriors/Glade Guard Painting 1

Hello all,

I have finished the first 5 of my Glade Guard for my Wood Elves army (Made from High Elves Shadow Warriors). Really happy with how the dark, purple red works with the light green of the coat, and the metallics. I have also used MiniNatur flowers and various tufts and flocks for the bases. If anyone would prefer a more detailed colour scheme, please let me know!

Started on the next 5 so should hopefully have photos for you of the set by tomorrow so please look out for that. I hope you enjoyed and any feedback is greatly appreciated. 

Monday, 25 April 2016

Wood Elves: Building completed

Hey guys,

Finished building these a couple days ago and completely forgot to post. I have used round bases for the Eagles, but used Square and Rectangular bases for the rest so I could put in movement trays, as i thought it'd round off the army nicely. Here's a couple of photo's, hope you enjoy:

I am going to start painting them today, so I should have some photo's for you soon. 

Friday, 15 April 2016

Baleted update: Wood Elves

Hey guys,

This is a long overdue update on what I am currently getting on with. I have started a Wood Elves project, and I am using a variety of kits for this, as I wanted them to look unique, these are:

High Elves Shadow Warriors
Dark Eles Dark Riders
The Hobbit Great Eagles
Dark Elves Shadowblade
High Elves Wild Riders
High Elves Eternal Guard

I like the idea of them looking a bit different, but all still keeping the naturalistic theme. I am using the square bases as I have wanted to use some movement trays, apart from the eagles which will still be on circular bases (as its allow in AOS I think) . So far this is what I have got done :

should have some more updates on the way over the next few days so stay posted, and please check out my facebook page here for more: