Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Slaanesh Final Update: Daemonettes completed!

Hey folks,

 I have just finished off the last 10 Daemonettes for my converted Slaanesh Warband! I hope you like them. I am really pleased with how these guys turned out, especially the alternate arms I used and I think they bring a real variety to the force! I hope you agree!

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Slaanesh Update: Slaanesh Chariot Finished!

Hello again,

Being useless as usual, I completely forgot to take a photograph of the conversion before I started painting, one again! However I hope you like the finished model all the same, I am really pleased with how it turned out!

 Like everything in the army, I wanted it to be a unique take on the 'Slaanesh theme' whilst also having elements from the original models. It has really challenged my imagination and converting skills, which I think is important! This model took a long time to complete as it had to be built in sub assemblies, to ensure it was all painted well, but I think it has proved to be worth it for the final result

Next up I will be finished the force/warband off with 10 more Daemonettes! They shouldn't take me too long so they will be uploaded very soon!

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Slaanesh Update: Daemon Prince

Hey folks,

I have finished off my converted Daemon Prince, I am really with how she came out, I think she fits in well with the general concept of the army, whilst also being very unique. I am also very pleased with how my tests of green within the skin tones of the wings came out, I hope you agree!

Next up will be a Chariot of Slaanesh conversion which will be on it's way soon! I hope you like the project so far!

Friday, 28 April 2017

Slaanesh Update: Deamonettes and Daemon Prince

Hey folks,

I have finished all 10 Daemonettes, I am so pleased with how these turned out, I think they are probably the best models I have painted, I think all the colours compliment each other really nicely! You might have noticed that I have added some pigment into the armour and also changed the bases, I thought this would help enhance the models and just add that little bit extra I think they needed. I hope you agree

As promised with the the rest of the models, here is a pre-painted photo of my converted Daemon Prince. I am really pleased with this conversion as I think it really ties in with the Slaanesh theme! Hopefully I will have time to get it painted before to long!

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Project Update Slaanesh: Deamonettes

Hey folks,

I have finished 5 out of the first 10 Deamonettes for my Slaanesh force. I converted them using Dark Eldar Wych bitz, I wanted them to be more dynamic than the original models and I think I succeeded. I am also happy with these paint scheme as I feel the colours compliment each other well, I hope you agree.

I completely forgot to take photograph them before I started painting them however every other unit with have pre-painted photopraghs. Next up will be the remaining 5 Deamonettes!

Monday, 17 April 2017

New Project Outline: Slaanesh

Hey there folks,

If you regularly follow my work, you will know that the last few projects have had a very minimal amount of conversion work done. So I have decided that this project is going to be the complete opposite! I have decided on doing a Slaanesh themed army, as I think there are endless ways of creating completely unique force. I also felt like this could be done on a very inexpensive budget. So these are the units I am trying to get done for this project…

1x Lord of Slaanesh on Daemonic Mount
1x Deamon Prince of Slaanesh
2x 10 Deamonettes
1x Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh

I have ordered most of the models I want for this project I am just waiting for them to arrive. I hope you find this as interesting as I do! And I’ll be posting as soon as I have something ready!

If you want a to see the sort of style I am going for then you can check out my Pinterest board below, that I will be using as inspiration 

Friday, 7 April 2017

Tutorial: How I made my Fyreslayer bases

Hey folks, so I said a while ago that I was going to start going some tutorials, so here is the first one for you. My current project at the moment is the Fyreslayers and I wanted to make sure that the bases were fitting with the overall theme of the force. I wanted there to be hints of fire through the bases, which would bring the whole colour scheme together.

So I started by placing pieces of cork on the bases as so

I then primed the bases with Vallejo Black Primer through my airbrush

I then mixed Vallejo Black Primer with Vallejo White Primer (50/50 mix) and 
airbrushed from a upward angle.

I then airbrushed Army Painter Crusted Sore onto the bottom of base, 
avoiding the cork.

I then used the following colours over the red to give the impression of lava,
it is important to remember you don't need this to be perfect as it will be covered later on. 

I then started to paint the face of the cork piece to look like a fallen piece of a Temple, I mixed Slaanesh Grey and White Scar, then painted the edges with pure White Scar to increase the contrast. After that I painted some patterns with Khorne Red, to add that extra element to the base.

I then used Game Colour Smokey Ink to add some age. I also thinned it down and painted the middle piece of the cork. 

I then mixed Agrellen Earth and Black Primer, and applied this over the bottom of the base (You need to really blob this stuff on to get the desired effect)

Once I put it on I added a couple of small rocks over the base to add another element

At this point, I left them to dry (It might take a while so its helpful to have something else to work on in the mean time) 

Once dried, I then drybrushed the middle area with Gorthor Brown and the Terminatus Stone, thendrybrushed over the bottom with Terminatus Stone. 

I decided to also chip off a few bits of paints to allow more of the yellows and oranges to come through. After that I cleaned up the edges to frame the model as well as possible. Finally I based the Dwarf. And here is the final result, I hope you enjoyed this and love the final result!

If you would like to see more, please let me know if there is something you would be interested in! 

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Leadbelchers Completed!

Hey folks,

So I finished my Leadbelchers. I think they look excellent, a quite easy unit to paint to finish off the project! Overall I am really happy with the results. I think the colours throughout were a success and look excellent! Although I spent a lot of time over them I am looking forward to doing something different. I will have a project outline soon for you! what to you guys think of the Leadbelchers? All feedback welcome!

I will also be selling this on ebay, if you are interested then have a look on my facebook page where there will be an update in the next couple of days.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Stonehorn and Mournfang Calvary Finished!

Hey folks, I have finished my Mournfang cavalry and Huskard on a Stonehorn. With these models I wanted to experiment with my blending and glaze work. Overall I am pretty pleased with them, there is definitely room for improvement, but overall I think they are a success. I am especially pleased with the Stonehorn, I think is some of the best bit of miniature painting I have done. It has really motivated with the rest of my current projects. The Mournfang Cavalry I am pleased with especially the leader in the middle, mainly because the conversion, which I think was a big success as it looks really dynamic and menacing! Would love to know your thoughts and here are some photos for you!

 Next up will be the Leadbelchers, so stay tuned for them!