Friday, 26 February 2016

Adeptus Mechanicus: Monster Robots all but finished

Hey guys.

I decided too mix things up with trying my hand with some larger models in the project. I chose the Kastellan Robots as my next piece as I just couldn't stop myself starting on these! I was so happy with the conversions, and I am even happier with them painted. I especially think the beige highlights on the stitching, and the 'Druchii Violet' wash between metal and skin that gives the skin the sore/irritated look, are the two things that pull these models together I think.

I have still left the bases unfinished, as I have not decided what look I want too go for with them.

If you enjoyed these, please check out my Facebook page here.. 

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Adeptus Mechanicus: The Five Vanguard finished...Almost

Hey guys,

I am so happy with how these turned out, they're definitely my best figures yet. All that needs to be done with these is a little more work on the bases. But I wanted to post all the same as I am so happy with the results. Not sure wether to add some blood or not, if anyone has any suggestions, please leave a comment.

Not sure what i will be doing next but I'll be starting on it this evening and will hopefully have something to show you soon. 

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

On a side note too my current project.

Hey all,

If anyone is interest in one of my old projects, I have one up for sale on Ebay. I have have a couple of photo's of the converted

HQ and if you are interested in buying i have included a link to both my Facebook page which has more photos and the Ebay link. 

If you like what you see, and want to see more... my Facebook link is

If you are interested in purchasing the link to the item is....

Monday, 22 February 2016

Adeptus Mechanicus: Protoype Colour Scheme Finished

Hey there guys,

Just finished painting the first model of this project. I am over the moon with how this came out, I think it is nicely balanced and the colours compliment each other nicely. I used a very small selection of colours and wet blended them using white for the highlights instead of using a lot of different tones, this helps the models colours work together. I wasn't able to get particularly good photographs as there was no daylight outside, so I will try get some better shots up in due course. But these will give you a good idea of what I am going for...

Please also note that the blending on the robes was also tidied up after the photo was taken, I hope you enjoy!

Hopefully get the Vanguard finished in a day or so and give you another update with some good photography.

Also check out out my Facebook and Pinterest Pages here:

Adeptus Mechanicus: Construction complete

Hello all,

I finished off my squad of 5 Vanguard. I decided not to do 10 as mentioned previously, because the Skitarii cloaks are all supposed to be fitted to specific legs, this meant that they didn't all fit well with Flagellant legs. I also didn't want too stretch the bits I had to make 10 that I wouldn't be entirely happy with. So I just made 5 which I was very happy with, and here they are.

I'm really excited to start getting these painted! I have Airbrushed using Scale 75 Black primer, and then added a White airbrush highlight over the top to obtain a light source. As Scale 75 is a very matt range (Something I am a big fan of), it means I have a very attractive looking undercoat which will allow me to add lighter colour layers quicker, while having a black shadow already established. This is definitely a technique I would recommend and will be using from now on. 

Hopefully I will have some work in progress shots for you in the next couple of days, so stay posted. 

Please also check out my Facebook page for more photos of other projects here: 

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Adeptus Mechanicus: More Goodness....

Hello there,

Just finished off my set of Rangers and my Sydonian Dragoon. I'm really pleased with the overall theme that is being created, although I'd have liked to be able to make them look less like the original models, but I don't think it would have looked as good. With this army, I think getting the right colour palette is going to be essential to really represent the feel I am trying to achieve in this project. But onto the conversions themselves.....

The Rangers are made using mostly using a mixture of the original Skitarii parts, whilst for the human characteristics are all parts from the Empire Flagellant Warband kit and a couple of Cultists chucked in, this allowed me to create different poses and give the models a more original look to them. They are going to be a real challenge to paint as these models are crammed with detail.

Some of them have parts from the Skaven Stormfiend's to add a bit of variety. (1 still missing as fell off earlier.)

On to the Sydonian Dragoon, the only major difference between this and the original model is that I have swapped out the legs for the tentacles from the Dark Eldar Talos engine, as I thought it would fit the theme of the army a lot better. Even though I am happy with the model, I was hoping it look slightly larger.


Next up will be the 10 Vanguard, which I should have ready in the next few days.

Would like to see more?

I have recently made a new Facebook page: (see photo's of previous works and projects I forget to blog) That can be found here:

I have also begun Pinterest boards of inspiration for upcoming projects. So if you want to find out more about what interests me, and how I come up with the idea's for my conversions, then feel free to check that out below: 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Adeptus Mechanicus: And So it Begins....

Hello all,

As my models arrived this morning. I, of course, dived in straight away! I decided to start with a couple of the bigger models as I normally start with the troops and get so converted out by the time i get to the larger, centre-pieces of the army, I tend to not do them justice, which tends to reduce the overall effect. So with this project I decided to go with a different approach this time, and began with the Kastelan Robots (Combined with Skaven Stormfiends and a few bits from sprues on the workbench and a touch of putty).  Here are the results...

I was extremely satisfied with the outcome. I think they still keep some of the characteristics of the original Games Workshop sculpts, although they have a very unique look about them as well. As I mentioned in my last post, about what inspired me to do an AdMech (Adeptus Mechanicus) project,  I love the idea of a gruesome half man/half machine concoction, the idea being that, even though they are a force for 'Good', they are still horrific to behold. I think this can be seen to be coming into fruition in these conversions, and paint can only accentuate this, with the correct palette of colours.

However the best thing about these compared to the original models, is the dynamic posing I was able to get with the Stormfiend models, which makes them a lot more exciting to look at.


I have just started the first of 10 Skitarii Rangers, which will be the next thing I'll be posting in the upcoming days so stay tuned for that. Here is a quick taster of what I have done so far.

Hope you have enjoyed, and please get in touch if you have any feedback on anything I have posted. 

Adeptus Mechanicus Project. Machine Monstrosity

I was scanning various blogs for some new inspiration. Whilst looking through my favourite miniature blog I came across and article on an Adeptus Mechanicus (, it really opened my eyes to the possibilities of how, by incorporating some human and fleshy parts it'd completely transform the style of the army. After seeing this, I had to try my hand at a heavily converted project myself. So I decided to go out and do a bit more research into other similar ideas so I'd have a variety of idea's to work with. - If you would like to see what I found it's all here.

Here's a piece of Artwork by John Blanche, that sums up the sort of thing I was after....

So I have ordered so models and hopefully will be able too give you an update with some tasty conversions before too long!

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Long over due photos of my Skaven Army completed!

 Hello all, 

I know it has been a lot longer than i would have liked since my last post. I was really happy how this project came out. I think there was a strong consistent colour scheme through out the army and the quality of painting (Probably not best portrayed by the quality of the photographs). I hope it may give you some sort of inspiration to you guys!! Any feedback is welcome and please get in touch with me if you wish!