Just finished off my set of Rangers and my Sydonian Dragoon. I'm really pleased with the overall theme that is being created, although I'd have liked to be able to make them look less like the original models, but I don't think it would have looked as good. With this army, I think getting the right colour palette is going to be essential to really represent the feel I am trying to achieve in this project. But onto the conversions themselves.....
The Rangers are made using mostly using a mixture of the original Skitarii parts, whilst for the human characteristics are all parts from the Empire Flagellant Warband kit and a couple of Cultists chucked in, this allowed me to create different poses and give the models a more original look to them. They are going to be a real challenge to paint as these models are crammed with detail.
Some of them have parts from the Skaven Stormfiend's to add a bit of variety. (1 still missing as fell off earlier.)
On to the Sydonian Dragoon, the only major difference between this and the original model is that I have swapped out the legs for the tentacles from the Dark Eldar Talos engine, as I thought it would fit the theme of the army a lot better. Even though I am happy with the model, I was hoping it look slightly larger.
Next up will be the 10 Vanguard, which I should have ready in the next few days.
Would like to see more?
I have recently made a new Facebook page: (see photo's of previous works and projects I forget to blog) That can be found here:
I have also begun Pinterest boards of inspiration for upcoming projects. So if you want to find out more about what interests me, and how I come up with the idea's for my conversions, then feel free to check that out below:
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