Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Adeptus Mechanicus: And So it Begins....

Hello all,

As my models arrived this morning. I, of course, dived in straight away! I decided to start with a couple of the bigger models as I normally start with the troops and get so converted out by the time i get to the larger, centre-pieces of the army, I tend to not do them justice, which tends to reduce the overall effect. So with this project I decided to go with a different approach this time, and began with the Kastelan Robots (Combined with Skaven Stormfiends and a few bits from sprues on the workbench and a touch of putty).  Here are the results...

I was extremely satisfied with the outcome. I think they still keep some of the characteristics of the original Games Workshop sculpts, although they have a very unique look about them as well. As I mentioned in my last post, about what inspired me to do an AdMech (Adeptus Mechanicus) project,  I love the idea of a gruesome half man/half machine concoction, the idea being that, even though they are a force for 'Good', they are still horrific to behold. I think this can be seen to be coming into fruition in these conversions, and paint can only accentuate this, with the correct palette of colours.

However the best thing about these compared to the original models, is the dynamic posing I was able to get with the Stormfiend models, which makes them a lot more exciting to look at.


I have just started the first of 10 Skitarii Rangers, which will be the next thing I'll be posting in the upcoming days so stay tuned for that. Here is a quick taster of what I have done so far.

Hope you have enjoyed, and please get in touch if you have any feedback on anything I have posted. 

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